What is peel and stick wallpaper, you may ask? It is a type of wallpaper that is extremely easy to install and remove. This wallpaper comes with a sticky back that means it can stick to your walls without the mess of glue and without all of the complicated tools. You simply remove the protective layer on the back and press it directly against clean, dry walls. Any bubbles that form while placing it on the wall, you will press to remove with your hand. And if you do later want to remove the wallpaper, you'll be able to easily pull it off without any wall damage or the sticky residue left behind.
What is peel and stick wallpaper and how is it different from regular wallpaper? The major difference is in the texture! The unique pattern and design adds depth and character to the space, allowing you to use it with the walls to create a cool but awesome look. There are so many textures to choose from, like brick, stone, wood, tile, or even fun floral and abstract patterns. Textured wallpaper not only improves the aesthetics of your walls, but it can also hide small imperfections (cracks, holes, etc.) and make them less visible.
Self-adhesive wallpaper is incredibly easy to use and put on the wall — one of its best features. Unlike most old-school wallpaper, which requires all kinds of glue, water, and patience, putting up self-adhesive wallpaper takes a matter of minutes and no mess whatsoever. You need not be concerned about gluing your hands, clothes or furniture. Plus, you won’t have to wait for the wallpaper to soak or dry, which can take a long time. You also don’t need to cut and fit pieces perfectly along corners or edges. Self-adhesive wallpaper will make your home look fabulous whilst saving you a lot of time and energy.
Also, if you happen to mess up or want to readjust the wallpaper, it’s extremely forgiving. This lets you peel it off and try again with no stress. You don’t have to stress over tearing or stretching your wallpaper or damaging your walls in the process. And when you’re ready to take the wallpaper down for good, it is also super easy to do without damaging your walls or leaving sticky marks behind.
It's versatile. So this wallpaper can be installed anywhere in the house including in your living, bedroom, kitchen, or even bathroom. You can combine various colors and textures to achieve a certain theme or style you have in mind. You can even apply them as accents or borders to highlight certain features or objects in your rooms.
It's durable. Peel and stick wallpaper is constructed from durable materials such as vinyl or paper that hold up against water, heat, humidity, and fading. In other words, you can wipe it down with a wet cloth or sponge without getting it to peel or tear. It can last for decades and withstand everyday wear and tear.
It's fun! Peel and Stick Wallpapers are a great way to show your creativity and character. You can experiment with different patterns and textures, or make your own designs using stickers, stencils, or paint. GET INVOLVED One thing that I love to do is get my kids or my friends involved and it is such a great time decorating your walls together!